2. Training Topics and Training Strategies

The Kettlebell Backpack: is it the real deal?
Kettlebell Backpack 2.0 White Lion Athletics is the exclusive distributor of Well Built Kettlebells' Kettlebell Backpack. A backpack specifically designed and engineered to carry a kettlebell is a blessing. It's...
The Kettlebell Backpack: is it the real deal?
Kettlebell Backpack 2.0 White Lion Athletics is the exclusive distributor of Well Built Kettlebells' Kettlebell Backpack. A backpack specifically designed and engineered to carry a kettlebell is a blessing. It's...

7th Birthday Grip Strength Challenge
Grip Strength Challenge: Duration: 7 July, 5am CST 8 - 14 July, 11:59pm CST This page will be updated throughout the day - everyday - of the competition. Please read...
7th Birthday Grip Strength Challenge
Grip Strength Challenge: Duration: 7 July, 5am CST 8 - 14 July, 11:59pm CST This page will be updated throughout the day - everyday - of the competition. Please read...

Polemics and Pursuits in Performance
Polemics and Pursuits in Performance December 2015 Can it be that I have not lived as one ought?" suddenly came into his head. "But how not so, when I've done...
Polemics and Pursuits in Performance
Polemics and Pursuits in Performance December 2015 Can it be that I have not lived as one ought?" suddenly came into his head. "But how not so, when I've done...

60lbs Exercise Sandbag, Made in Winnipeg, Canad...
Exercise Sandbags: Canadian Made Our 60lbs adjustable sandbags come with an entire training library of resources to get your training off to a great start and keep you training safely...
60lbs Exercise Sandbag, Made in Winnipeg, Canad...
Exercise Sandbags: Canadian Made Our 60lbs adjustable sandbags come with an entire training library of resources to get your training off to a great start and keep you training safely...

Which Hand Goes on Top When Swinging a Steel Mace?
Which Hand goes on top when swinging a Steel Mace? The most common question when performing 360 Steel Mace Swings and 10 & 2 Steel Mace Swings is " Which...
Which Hand Goes on Top When Swinging a Steel Mace?
Which Hand goes on top when swinging a Steel Mace? The most common question when performing 360 Steel Mace Swings and 10 & 2 Steel Mace Swings is " Which...

4 Tips for Swinging Your Steel Mace: How do yo...
How to Safely Swing Your Steel Mace and Heavier Steel Maces These 4 Tips should be kept in mind if you are thinking of starting to swinging a mace; already...
4 Tips for Swinging Your Steel Mace: How do yo...
How to Safely Swing Your Steel Mace and Heavier Steel Maces These 4 Tips should be kept in mind if you are thinking of starting to swinging a mace; already...