7th Birthday Grip Strength Challenge
DJ GuzdaShare
Grip Strength Challenge:
Duration: 7 July, 5am CST 8 - 14 July, 11:59pm CST
This page will be updated throughout the day - everyday - of the competition. Please read below for all entrants and their respective times.
Please visit this page frequently to stay in touch with those that are involved in this competition because, rest assured, everyone that enters will definitely be doing their very best based on their ability and body weight!
This is an open contest. An Entrant's time is compared to all that enter.
Winner $300 White Lion Athletics Gift Card -
1st Runner Up: $100 White Lion Gift Card -
2nd Runner Up: $50 Gift Card -
Rules & Procedures
- Entrants must pick-up and hold by hand their bodyweight where that body weight is made up of two weight loads, one held in each hand.
- Example: A 150lbs entrant is required to hold one weight load per hand where their combined weight equals 150lbs (ie 1 x 75lb weight in each hand )
- If equal weight loads are not available, an Entrant may use unequal weights in each hand so long as a total combined weight equals their body weight.
- One entry person
- Type of hold: standing farmer's carry hold. One weight held in each hand, suspended from the floor on the outside of each leg
- All entries must be submitted by video.
- Videos are submitted by posting on Instagram and tagging @white_lion_athletics. Accounts must be public.
- Videos must have a Real Time record of time accumulated (for example: a stopwatch that start and stops when the task is complete.
- No use of lifting straps, supports, hooks, and/or material substances that affix (temporarily or otherwise) the chosen training tool to your hand
- One Weight load per hand
- Weight loads (1 per hand) must suspended, from the ground and free of all other support - including resting on your body.
- Weights may be "re-gripped" so long it does not touch the ground
Kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells etc can be used
All steps below must be videoed and submitted together in one video
Entrants must video that following steps:
Weigh themselves on digital scale (lbs or kgs) and capture on video .
Weigh the training tools to be use and capture on video
Video capture of Start Time (00:00) through to the Finish Time. Video can be sped up but Real Time must be recorded and captured on video.
Start Time: when entrant picks up both weights and moves into the standing position with the weights at their side.
Finish Time: When Training tools fail to be suspended from the ground.
Weights are supported by hands alone and cannot rest on bent legs etc.
Contestants | Updated Wednesday, 16 July 2022 | 5:00 am
- JW//.........Body Weight: 207lbs.............Time: 32 seconds
- GMtl//.......Body Weight: 182.5..............Time: 1min 38 seconds
- CB//..........Body Weight: 142.2lb...........Time: 45 seconds
- S_life.........Body Weight: 107lbs............Time: 2min 2 seconds
- Phil_s........Body Weight: 179.6lbs.........Time: 2min 28 seconds
- Roger_G....Body Weight: 139lbs............Time: 4mins 2 seconds
- Robin_M....Body Weight: 154.8lbs.........Time: 1min 48 seconds
- Matt_Hive...Body Weight 160lbs............Time: 3mins 44 seconds
- April_A........Body Weight: 103lbs...........Time: 2mins 15 seconds
- Strength_s..Body Weight: 169.2lbs........Time: 1min 12 seconds
- D_W............Body Weight: 168.2lbs........Time: 52 seconds
- SJ_S...........Body Weight: 150lbs...........Time: 1min 58 seconds
- B_So...........Body Weight: 246lbs...........Time: 1min 54 seconds
- Jhb_1969....Body Weight: 200lbs...........Time: 45 seconds
- ERP.............Body Weight: 267.2lbs.........Time: 1min 59 seconds
- Lyn_D..........Body Weight: 150.4.............Time: 25 seconds
- Afeef_..........Body Weight: 187.6.............Time: 43.8 seconds
- TL_Niko.......Body Weight: 179.6..............Time: 1min 8 seconds
- Kristen_OB..Body Weight: 111lbs............Time: 7mins 16 seconds
- Chris_D........Body Weight: 250lbs............Time: 58 seconds
- Sean B........Body Weight: 198.8llbs.........Time: 2mins 6 seconds
- Rach_E.......Body Weight: 128.5lbs...........Time: 2mins 1 second
- Artic J..........Body Weight: 185lbs.............Time: 3mins 4 seconds
- Ninja_Bells...Body Weight:.........................Time:
- Jo_b.....................1.1x Body Weight:.........Time
- weightliftingdoc....1.3x Body Weight:........Time